Educational Programming


FHS is reaching its limits for providing 21st Century programming and learning spaces that prepare today’s leaders for the future:


fhs students are at a disadvantage

  • Inadequate classroom space to accommodate all programmatic offerings and active vs. passive learning

  • Overcrowded study halls (most quiet study halls have been eliminated due to lack of space)

  • Undersized library at capacity every period of the school day

  • Inadequate space for robotics, special education, science labs, and performing spaces

  • Lack of collaborative work spaces that reflect the way students learn in today’s educational setting

  • Auditorium and cafeteria are undersized for the population, impacting scheduling, educational programming, and state and federal requirements for food services.

21st century learning ProgramMIng requires:

  • Open, flexible spaces to promote, independence, collaborative spaces to mirror real world work environments, public spaces to showcase learning and display work, and quiet places for reflection

  • Technology and imagination rich environments to foster a maker mindset